Silicon carbide(C)primary for use on stone but Stone,concrete, aluminum, plasticalso for all other materials.
For Marble, Granite, Terrazzo, Concrete, China Clay, Enamels, Fibre Glass Bodies, Cast lron.Ships Hulls Cleaning...
For Stainless Steel, Welds, Cleaning RustedSurfaces,Aluminum and most metal applications.
For fibre discs and semi-flexible discs. The backing pad by RODDlES takes care ofthe proper support on the machine.
Abrasive Non Woven fabric disc with fiberglass backing.The rigid Fiberglass backing allows higheroperating pressure.
Abrasive Non Woven fabric disc with Flexible Fiber Backing.The flexible fiber backing makes it perfect for curved surfaces (backing pad required)
Abrasive Non Woven flat disc with a 6 mm fixed spindle.
Abrasives Non Woven plain disc 13mm thick 13mm arbor hole.To be mounted on straight sanding machines.
Abrasive Non Woven fabric disc for use with velcro backing pad With Hook and Loop backing